Books and Bibs: Spring ‘22 Round-Up

By Casey Corey

Five baby bib sets

It’s that time again! A Casey Sheila Quilts books and bibs round up. A few times a year, I like to gather up some of the books we’ve been reading and pair them with one of our handmade baby bib sets. The pairs make a perfect baby shower gift. Or the book ideas might help you break out of a  reading rut with your toddler (we all know toddlers love them some repetition). 

Winnie the Pooh with a honey themed baby bib set

I paired Winnie the Pooh with the Bumble Baby Bib Set. It was an on obvious choice given Pooh’s love for honey. But, this is the first chapter book I’ve started to read with the kids. I’m grateful for a book with more sustenance for me and it brings back so many good feelings. All of the characters in the Hundred Acre Woods are so delightful and I love getting to share it with my kids. Also- they don’t have the attention span for it every night and that’s okay. On those nights, we read some tried and true Sandra Boynton. 

Sean baby bib set with I am Enough children’s book

The Swander-ful Baby Bib Set got paired with I Am Enough. This book is new to us and I could not love it more. The message is so positive and loving. It feels like giving yourself a good hug.

Blue dinosaur baby bib set with a Childrens book called diggersaurus

The Extin-kin’ Cute Baby Set was paired with Diggersaurs. Alice actually picked out this book for Dylan one day when we were at Target. He’s all about the dinosaur and truck life so I was so touched to see her pick something he would actually love.

Floral baby bib set with the Madeline children’s book

I love me some Madeline with the Petal Baby Bib Set. I couldn’t believe Madeline hadn’t made it to a round up yet. This book brings back all the good nostalgia feelings for me. And it’s all about me, right?

Pink lamb baby bib set with a baby flap book called where’s the ladybug

For the last pairing in this round up, we have the Lamb Chop Baby Bib Set with a baby classic- Where’s the Lady Bug. This book is a basic lift the flap book but both my 4 and 2 year old still love it. Go figure.

I would love to hear some of your bedtime book recommendations! Send them my way to