Currently: July

By Casey Corey

Currently: July

It's July! Here in Miami, FL it's hot, hot, hot and apparently there's a dust plume kicking up around us.  Our family is still on lockdown as Florida becomes the new epicenter for COVID-19 (yikes).  While on lockdown, here's what I've been up to:  

Watching Gilmore Girls still.  Almost done with season 7.  Brian has limited me to one episode per night so it's moving at a slower pace than before but I'm still in love with this show. 

Wanting falafel, a chocolate chip cookie, and a play set for the kids in the backyard.  Maybe the play set for the kids' birthdays? Hopefully falafel sooner than that. 

Making pizza dough in the Zojirushi.  The Zojirushi is my favorite kitchen appliance. 

Sewing an equilateral triangle quilt for my best friend's baby.  He's her third and last baby and I.cannot.wait. to meet him and give my friend a giant hug.  I made a grey equilateral triangle quilt for her first born, a blue equilateral triangle quilt for her second, and now a blue and yellow one.

Reading The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer.  It's my first time in a long time reading fiction.  I usually read parenting books, self-help, and other practical books.  I'm enjoying the change and one of the main characters is named Alice (!). 

Loving Starbucks Chai Tea lattes and Kona Longboard Island Lagers.

Feeling excited I finally saw a butterfly in our backyard.  We planted a butterfly garden almost 9 months ago, but we haven't had a single butterfly come by.  We finally had a monarch fly to another section of the backyard (not the garden), but it's progress and totally made my day.  Can't wait for the orchids to start blooming next month. 

Thinking about a new rainbow quilt design using the Modern Flying Geese design.  

Sending big, virtual hugs.  Xoxo.